torsdag den 26. marts 2009

Shoes i want.. like ehm.. NOW!!!

I have a thing for black shoes. Most of the shoes in my still growing collection are black, when i see shoes i like that come in a variety of colours i tend to prefere them in black (unless ofcourse purple is an option, in which case i ALWAYS go for purple. Black shoes are my comfort zone, and i really need to get out of it, so as of today, NO MORE black shoes! Well maybe except for the ones above.
Writer: Highstreetskank

tirsdag den 24. marts 2009


I know .. I know i know.. Im such a highstreet skank... But u guys must admit that topshop fucking ROCKS!!!! I love topshop. In fact i think i want to marry topshop! Topshop?! Will u marry me? I promise to love you, cherish you, be faithful to you, and cook fantastic dinners everynight? :)

these are just freaking awesome....

Outfit post.. Finally!

My vintage ho'e has been looking ridiculously cute the past couple of days, so i'm now taking the liberty of posting some of her outfits. It's not like i've been naked the last couple of days but i've just been really tired and uninspirered.. hmm.. Naaah ... It's not even worth posting.
Top picture: Vintage Dries Van Noten Scarf, Blue dress H&m, Booties from asos (MINE btw)
Bottom picture: t-shirt from ? (we'll just have to ask her later) Whyred shorts, vintage shoes

fredag den 20. marts 2009

OH Janelle Monet......!

Just spreading some inspiration.... Janelle came out last year I think...
If you haven't already heard her album then get a hold of it some how asap! Metropolis- The Chase suite!
She's like a female André 3000 and just as talentet! Totally addicted! It's just nice to hear some really good music nowadays... everything has become so monotone I feel...............
Not only is she talented she has style! Check her out! BANGIN'! I'm lovin the suits and ties...... :)

torsdag den 19. marts 2009

We simply love...

SHOOOEES!!!!! Especially the cheap ones from


HOW RUDE!!!!!! We totally forgot to introduce ourselves... Take the SHAME though...
We are highstreetskank (top picture) and vintageho'e (bottom picture)
As our names imply.. ergh... Well the names really say it all.. One loves highstreet... Zara & Topshop in particular.(Maybe be a bit too much, just got my bank statement in the mail)
The Other is a vintagewhore/ecolover who is happy to travel all the way to FREAKING Amsterdam for Earthline moisturizer and her favorite vintage store Episode.
Oh well.. we've heard that that eco stuff is REALLY good for your skin! And vintage is really good for the bank account. Highstreetskank could SO learn from vintagehoe... If only she would listen.. But then again Vintagehoe does tend to raid Highstreetskanks closet quite often... So i guess we complement each other rather well..
Introducing FriendBenefit number #1: Nailpolish (see picture)
Wondering what we're wearing?
VintageHo'e: Vintage Dries van Noten Scarf, dress from H&M. Handmade earrings bought on the streets of New York
Highstreetskank: Brown T-shirt H&M, Black mini skirt, Nappy hair!


Welcome to our BLOG!!!
We are two friends that met through our former boyfriends! We simultaneously found out that we could live without them and instead decided to invest not only our time but our money in ourselves and our closet collection!!! WHO WOULDN'T??!!
Finally we had found our bestfriend! Not only do we share the same size in clothes but also in SHOES!!!!!!!!! To top that off we are both extremely anal with the caring of our shoes......
Ask yourself how many times have you lent a pair of B-E-A-UTIFULLLL shoes to a friend whom you thought praised them as highly as you do, only to find out that your shoes, over the weekend, had been EXPANDED, massacred and raped at the local bar, club, or even house party!
Therefore we are just so ecstatic to have found eachother......
But dont be mistaken this blog is not only about our borderline shoe addiction... It's about our extremely random friendship and our love for expressing ourselves through what we wear.... To not mislead our audience we are not as wacky as it may seem.......
Like I said... we are overly RANDOM.... just so your warned...... :)
thanx for reading!

About us

Mit billede
Two best friends, Marie & Maria(no this is not a joke)soon to (hopefully)join closets when we move in together, build an awesome walk-in closet with special space for our loved ones THE SHOES! Even if the moving in thing doesnt happen, our closets are somewhat joint as we are constantly raiding each others closets and borrowing each others stuff. We inspire each other daily and seek a deeper meaning in everything we do. (No we DONT like shallow& superficial) But we do love music, dancing, fashion, interior, art, photography, spending time with family/friends & LIFE!